Election Committee
Principles for the appointment of the Election Committee and the Election Committee's assignment
Bergman & Beving's Annual General Meeting has resolved that until the election of its new Election Committee, the Election Committee shall consist of five members and that the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be assigned to contact the largest shareholders in terms of votes and request that they appoint four members who, together with the Chairman of the Board, shall constitute the Election Committee. The selection of the shareholders to contact shall be based on the list of shareholders in place at the end of the respective calendar year. The Election Committee will appoint a Chairman among its members. The composition of the Election Committee shall be announced not later than six months before the Annual General Meeting. Information about the principles governing the appointment and tasks of the Election Committee, as well as the current composition of the Election Committee, shall be made available on the Company’s website.
The Election Committee is responsible for evaluating the composition and work of the Board and submitting motions to the Annual General Meeting regarding the Chairman to preside over the Annual General Meeting, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and other Directors, the auditors and deputy auditors or registered accounting firm, Directors’ fees to be paid to each of the Directors, auditors’ fees and, where applicable, propose changes to the principles governing the appointment of the Election Committee and the Election Committee’s tasks. The Election Committee’s motions are to be presented in the notice of the Annual General Meeting and on the Company’s website at www.bergmanbeving.com in conjunction with the publication of the notice. The Election Committee is also responsible for providing the Annual General Meeting with information on how it has conducted its work and presenting and motivating its motions.
If during the term of mandate of the Election Committee one or more shareholders who nominate members of the Election Committee no longer belong to the four largest shareholders, the members appointed by these shareholders shall make their seats available if requested by the shareholders that are added to the four, to the vote, largest shareholders who then have the right to appoint their own representatives. In the absence of special reasons, no changes shall be made to the composition of the Election Committee if only minor changes in the voting number have taken place or if the change occurs later than three months before the Annual General Meeting. Shareholders who have been added to the four largest shareholders as a result of a more substantial change in voting rights later than three months before the Annual General Meeting shall, however, have the right to appoint a representative to the Election Committee. Shareholders who appointed a representative to the Election Committee are entitled to terminate such member and appoint a new representative member of the Election Committee. Changes in the composition of the Election Committee shall be published as soon as such changes have been made.
The company shall bear the cost of expenses incurred in connection to the evaluation of Election Committee members and/or recruitment of board members. The members of the Election Committee carry no compensation from the company for their work.
The above principles for the appointment of the Election Committee and the Election Committee's assignment shall remain in effect until the Annual General Meeting resolves to amend it. It is up to the Election Committee to consider, before the Annual General Meeting, whether the Election Committee finds it necessary to propose amendments to the principles in question to the Annual General Meeting.
The Election Committee can be contacted by e-mail to info@bb.se or by letter to Bergman & Beving AB, Election Committee, P.O. Box 10024, SE-100 55 Stockholm, Sweden.
In accordance with a resolution at the Annual General Meeting in August 2023, the four largest shareholders in terms of voting rights were contacted and asked to appoint board members to form the Election Committee together with the Chairman of the Board. The Election Committee consists of Chairman of the Board Jörgen Wigh, Anders Börjesson (appointed by the Tisenhult Group), Henrik Hedelius (appointed by Tom Hedelius), Johan Lannebo (appointed by Lannebo Fonder) and Caroline Sjösten (appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder).