Election Committee’s proposals regarding the Board of Directors of B&B TOOLS AB (publ) prior to the 2012 Annual General Meeting


Company Announcement

Election Committee’s proposals regarding the Board of Directors of B&B TOOLS AB
(publ) prior to the 2012 Annual General Meeting

B&B TOOLS' Election Committee proposes that Charlotte Hansson and Roger
Bergqvist be elected as new members of the Board of Directors of B&B TOOLS AB
(publ) in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting to be held on 23 August

The motion also proposes the re-election of Directors Per Axelsson, Anders
Börjesson, Tom Hedelius, Joakim Rubin and Stefan Wigren. Current Director Anita
Pineus has declined re-election. 

The Election Committee also proposes that Anders Börjesson be elected as the
new Chairman of the Board. Current Chairman of the Board Tom Hedelius has
declined re-election as Chairman. 

Charlotte Hansson, born 1962, is Managing Director of Jetpak Sweden. Charlotte
Hansson is a member of the Board of various companies, including Oxeon AB
(named “Sweden’s Super Gazelle 2010” by the Swedish financial daily Dagens
Industri) and the listed company Deltaco AB. Charlotte Hansson has extensive
experience from leading positions in the transport/logistics industry and is a
trained biochemist and market economist. 

Roger Bergqvist, born 1948, is a member of the Board of various companies,
including the listed companies BE Group AB, Proact IT Group AB and Lagercrantz
Group AB. Roger Bergqvist served as President and CEO of the Addtech Group
between 2001 and 2008, having previously held various management positions in
the Bergman & Beving Group. 

The Election Committee comprises Anders Börjesson (Chairman of the Election
Committee), Per Trygg (representing SEB Funds), Björn Franzon (representing
Swedbank Robur funds), Conny Karlsson (Representing CapMan Public Market
Investment) and Tom Hedelius. 

The other proposals by the Election Committee will be presented in the notice
of the Annual General Meeting and on the Company’s website, where the Election
Committee’s statement of explanation will also be available. 

The Annual General Meeting of B&B TOOLS AB will be held on 23 August 2012 at
4:30 p.m. at Näringslivets Hus, Storgatan 19, Stockholm. 

Stockholm, 25 June 2012

The Election Committee of B&B TOOLS AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:

Anders Börjesson, Chairman of the Election Committee, Tel: +46-10-454 77 00

B&B TOOLS may be required to disclose the above information in accordance with
the Swedish Securities Markets Act, the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading
Act or the regulations for issuers on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. This information
was submitted for publication on 25 June 2012 at 12:30 p.m.



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