Financial report 1 April 2012 – 31 March 2013
B&B TOOLS Financial Statement Release Financial report 1 April 2012 – 31 March 2013 Financial year(1 April 2012 – 31 March 2013) -- Revenue totalled MSEK 7,666 (8,201). -- Operating profit amounted to MSEK 289 (409) and was impacted by non-recurring items in a net amount of MSEK +51 (–8). -- Profit after net financial items totalled MSEK 216 (318) and was impacted by non-recurring items of MSEK +51 (–8), net. -- Profit after taxes amounted to MSEK 222 (227). -- Earnings per share totalled SEK 7.90 (8.10). -- The return on equity was 11 percent (12). -- Cash flow per share amounted to SEK 9.30 (4.05). -- The equity/assets ratio at the end of the financial year was 40 percent (36) and the net debt/equity ratio was 0.61 (0.89). -- A dividend of SEK 3.00 (3.00) per share is proposed. Fourth quarter (1 January – 31 March 2013) -- Revenue for comparable units, measured in local currency, decreased by –7 percent during the quarter. Adjusted also for the fewer number of trading days compared with the preceding year, revenue declined by –4 percent for the quarter. -- Operating profit amounted to MSEK 68 (102) during the quarter and was not impacted by any non-recurring items, net (preceding year: MSEK +8). -- The Group’s funds tied up in working capital decreased by MSEK 42 during the quarter (preceding year: an increase of MSEK 30). Read more! Please download the complete document.