Interim Report – 9 months 1 April-31 December 2015


Quarterly report

Interim Report – 9 months 1 April-31 December 2015

Third quarter (1 October-31 December 2015)·

  -- Revenue amounted to MSEK 1,993 MSEK (2,027).
  -- Operating profit 
rose by 11 percent to MSEK 115 (104), corresponding to an
     operating margin of 5.8 percent (5.1).
  -- Profit after financial items 
increased by 16 percent to MSEK 111 (96).
  -- Net profit
 rose by 18 percent to MSEK 85 (72).
  -- Earnings per share 
increased to SEK 3.05 (2.55). 
  -- Cash flow from operating activities 
amounted to MSEK 207 (207) and
     cash flow per share for the most recent 12-month period was SEK 16.05
  -- The return on equity
 for the most recent 12-month period was 14 percent (13).
  -- The equity/assets ratio at the end of the period was 52 percent (46).

Reporting period – 9 months (1 April-31 December 2015)·

  -- Revenue amounted to MSEK 5,886 (5,909).
  -- Operating profit
rose by 11 percent to MSEK 375 (339) and the
     operating margin was 6.4 percent (5.7)
  -- Profit after financial items 
increased by 17 percent to MSEK 361 (308).
  -- Net profit
 rose by 19 percent to MSEK 275 (231).


The Group’s total revenue remained largely unchanged during the reporting
period. During the period we have actively worked at shifting sales from items
with lower margins to more profitable product areas. There were also
significant variations between the Group’s various geographic markets and
customer segments. For example, ESSVE, TOOLS Sweden and Momentum reported
increased revenue and improved operating profit during the period. The market
situation in Norway has affected the Group negatively. Exclusive of the
Norwegian operations, the other units have increased their revenue by a total
of 5 percent during the period and the operating profit by more than 40

Despite a turbulent operating environment with major currency fluctuations and
a weak economic climate, particularly in Norway, we continue to improve our key
financial ratios. During the most recent 12-month period, earnings per share
increased by 17 percent, our cash flow per share nearly doubled compared with
the preceding year. At the same time we have considerably reduced our

In recent years, we have radically improved our basic prerequisites for growth
and development. With our strong balance sheet and lower debt, I believe we
have the right conditions for attractive corporate acquisitions. 

Stockholm, February 2016

Ulf Lilius
President & CEO

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