Sustainable development goals

Based on its business model, the Group has conducted an analysis to define the sustainability goals where the Group is deemed to have the greatest possibility of having an impact through active development initiatives. Management has formulated the Group’s sustainability goals structured in a framework of focus areas deemed to be material for long-term success and growth. The focus areas apply across all units within the Group, but the respective companies can implement unit-specific goals in addition to the Group-wide focus areas.

Group management and the Board of Directors chose six focus areas that strive to realise the Group’s sustainability vision;

• Equality & Diversity
• Employees
• Product portfolio
• Sustainable value chain
• Materials and waste
• Emissions and energy consumption

These focus areas are connected to the following four Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN; Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Responsible Consumption and Production, and Climate Action.

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